Keto Vs Atkins Diets

Keto vs Atkins diets is both popular low-carb diets which aid in weight loss and enhance overall health. These diets are supposed to keep your sugar levels balanced, lower fat storage and eliminate cravings and constant hunger by reducing the amount of calories and carbs you intake. But the two low carb diet are actually different according to our experts.

Keto Vs Atkins Diet

There is no denying that millions of people are into low-carb diets. In fact, if you visit the gym regularly, One or two persons must have lectured you about the benefit of ketogenic diets. If you are not the gym kind, the ads are everywhere on Facebook, you must have seen one.

With all the publicity on Ketogenic diets, you have noticed that it sounds a lot like there is another low-carb diet out there. The truth is both diets seems perfectly familiar since they both emphasize on reducing carbohydrates and eating more fat. But actually, there’s a great difference between both of them.

Ribeye steak

Know What Is Ketogenic Diet.

The main reason for keto diet is getting into ketosis. Here the body uses your fat intake instead of carbohydrates to produce energy. In this process the fat travel into the liver, making byproducts called ketosis, the enter your bloodstream to produce energy. People use at-home testing kits to measure keto, this helps them determine weather they are or not in ketosis.

Most of your calories (about 75 to 85 percent) need to come from fat, in order to enter ketosis says Stephanie Ryan, R.D. at Indiana University Health. Nearly 10 to 15 percent of your calories intake should come from protein, and 5 to 10 percent should come from carbohydrates.

This special attention on fat is the reason why people frequently eat large amounts of bacon, butter and cream on the keto diet. However, most nutritionists say it’s better to eat healthier fat sources like avocados, nuts and seeds, and eggs.

Hard boiled egg

What About Atkins Diet?

Atkins diet is a low-carb diet, usually recommended for weight loss. It a commercial weight loss program devised by Dr. Robert Atkin who wrote a best-selling book about the Atkins diet in 1972. Since then, the Atkins diet has been popular all over the world with many more books having been written.

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Here you can lose weight while you eat a diet rich in protein and fat, and very low in carbs, and you shouldn’t feel hungry or deprived. Today’s Atkins focuses more on lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber vegetables as part of the plans.

The most extreme version, the classic Atkins 20 Diet, is broken into four stages. Each level allows for more carbs and food choices than the previous stage. As you lose weight, you move onto the next stage, gradually increasing carbs. This plan restricts certain foods, including legumes, fruits, and yogurt, during various stages.

The Atkins 40 plan is more flexible, doesn’t have tiered stages, or restrict foods.

People with more pounds to drop may choose the classic Atkins plan that limits carbs to 25 grams per day; the more flexible plan allows for 40 carbs per day.

Which Of The Diet Is More Restrictive?

 Let’s talk about keto first

Though Ketogenic diet doesn’t necessarily ban carbs foods like bananas or bread, they’re pretty much a no-go. Even foods like vanilla yogurt could knock you out of ketosis because one six-ounce serving has 24 grams of carbohydrates.

Speaking with Liz Weinandy, R.D. at Ohio State University, many keto dieters tend to eat more saturated fats, like cheese and butter, rather than heart-healthy monounsaturated fat sources, such as avocados. “Most people I see are usually using a lot of butter, a ton of coconut oil, a lot of whipped cream,” she explains to

Healthier keto diet might include steak with steamed broccoli since it’s lower in carbs and lots of butter.

It’s time to talk about the Atkins Diet.

The early stage of the classic Atkins Diet is very much restrictive only nuts, seeds, cheese, fats, proteins, and specific low-carb vegetables are required. Legumes, fruits, whole grains, starchy vegetables, cottage cheese, and yogurt are not allowed.

However, as you progress through each stage, more carbs and food choices are added until you’re allowed to eat whatever you want, provided you stay under 100 grams of carbs.

But the Atkins 40 offers more flexibility because no foods are restricted if they fit within the 40 grams of carbs limit.

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Now The Answer Is?

Keto is more restrictive.

Atkins offers more flexibility, according to Stephanie. “The Atkins diet probably doesn’t have quite as much restriction you may have more access to different carbohydrates. Even at the highest phase you’re probably still not someone who is eating bread and pasta, but you would have more room for fruits at that point,” she says.

Keto vs Atkins Diets: Which is Easier to Maintain?

First, keto:

Maintaining ketosis is extremely difficult because nearly everything has carbs. Nuts? Yup! Same goes for avocados, yogurt, and other high-fat foods you might not associate with carbs. Plus, you’ll need to weigh foods to make sure you’re eating appropriate serving sizes to maintain the ratio of fat, protein, and carbs.

Now, Atkins:

The classic plan gets more flexible as you lose weight, so you don’t have to say goodbye to carbs forever. Plus, dieters don’t have to worry about getting in 80 percent of their calories from fat, which can be hard for many people, says Weinandy.

The verdict:

According to Weinandy, maintaining ketosis is extremely hard. Typically, people eat too protein and not enough fat to maintain the fat-burning state. As proof, she says that most “keto” dieters aren’t even following the diet–despite their best intentions. Instead, their diets are more similar to Atkins in practice.

“A ketogenic diet is not just to eat all the meat you want to,” says Weinandy. “I think that’s really lost on a lot of people.”



Keto vs Atkins Diets: Which Is Healthier?

First, how healthy is keto?

Weinandy cautions against going high-fat for weight loss. “The risks for a pretty healthy person usually outweigh the benefits,” she says. Weinandy believes it should only be used for certain patients, like those with refractory epilepsy who may experience fewer seizures on the diet.

So what are the risks? Long-term, you could lose out on water-soluble vitamins, like vitamins B and C. Not to mention that many people on Keto often have higher cholesterol and fat levels after several months, she says.

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“In general, most diets you can safely follow for two to three months,” she explains.

And how healthy is Atkins?

Atkins allows for a wider range of food, so dieters can eat more healthy foods like fruit. Thus far, there is no conclusive study showing whether Atkins is safe long-term. However, Weinandy points to recent research that showed extreme eating plans, both high carb and high-fat diets, are linked to shorter lifespans.

Which diet will help you lose more weight?

Keto and weight loss:

According to Konstantinos Spaniolas, Associate Director of the Stony Brook Metabolic and Bariatric Weight Loss Center in New York, people will successfully lose weight on keto. That’s because, in addition to burning stored fat for energy, people often have fewer cravings and eat fewer calories on keto.

“They can stick to a relatively lower caloric intake because of the reduced cravings,” he says. Some people claim to have lost hundreds of pounds on the Keto Diet.

The Atkins Diet:

Similar to the Ketogenic Diet, Atkins will help with short-term weight loss. In a review, dietitians and doctors at U.S. News & World Report said the diet’s claims of dropping up to 15 pounds in two weeks is legitimate. However, the diet may not be sustainable for everyone, and weight can creep back.

The verdict: Tie; both diets have been shown to help people lose weight. However, neither are shown to offer long-term results.

The Final Verdict

A diet that restricts major food groups, like whole grains and fruit, is unsustainable and unhealthy, according to our experts.

If you do want to drop a few pounds, she recommends working with a professional dietitian or enrolling in weight management classes. These will help you change unhealthy behaviors and provide support while you lose weight. Other easy fixes include no after dinner snacks, cutting out packaged foods and increasing exercise.

So while keto may be all the buzz right now, it may not be the best, or healthiest, diet for you. “People do not have to go on ketogenic to lose weight,” says Weinandy. “There are better ways to lose weight.”

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