Make Your Own Cashew Milk Using This Simple Method

Cashew milk is something you can make in a twinkle of an eye, This easy to make recipe is very rich and creamy. It’s something you gonna like.

Did you know- aside from helping you prevent heart disease cashew nuts may keep blood sugar controlled and even aid weight loss. The magnesium in cashews prevents calcium from over-activating nerve cells, therefore relaxing them. This action keeps your blood vessels and muscles relaxed as well.

How to make creamy dreamy cashew nut milk! #vegan #dairy-free #lovingitvegan

According to research, The daily intake of cashew nuts can reduce the risk of developing gallstones up to 25%. That’s a 25% chance of keeping the doctor away.

You may also want to read about homemade coconut milk

For the love of healthy living, we found you a delicious new way to use your cashew nuts, at the end of this post you will be able to make for yourself a delicious bottle of cashew milk. All you just need is five ingredients and you will have a bottle of cashew milk on your hand.


  • 3/4 cup raw unsalted cashews
  • 3-4 cups filtered water, plus more for soaking your cashews
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • 1 1/2 tsp honey
  • Dash salt (optional)

How To Make Cashew Milk

  • In a medium-size bowl, pour your cashews and cover with cold water and allow to soak for about 1 to 2 hours. Then drain and rinse. I prefer leaving mine overnight to soak well.
  • Add soaked cashews and 3 or 4 cups of filtered water (for a whole milk texture) in a blender. But for thinner texture, feel free to add more water (You can adjust the texture to taste). The more water you add, the lower in fat the milk will be per serving; however, you don’t want to add too much liquid or it will turn watery. It’s best to add water in small batches till the texture seems right for you.
  • Now blend on low and slowly raise the speed to high for about 1-2 minutes till the milk is completely smooth and no chunks of nuts remain.
  • Add any sweetener, honey, vanilla, and/or salt to taste if desired. Then blend again until properly blended. Note: If you are using a date, make sure you blend till it’s completely pulverized). You’re free to adjust the sweetness to taste.
  • Pour into a mesh strainer, cheesecloth or nut bag. strain it to completely remove any grittiness and leave very smooth and creamy milk.
  • Transfer milk to the refrigerator and chill thoroughly. It should be kept for 3-4 days if refrigerated.
  • Use anywhere you would use milk; in tea or coffee, as a milk substitute in recipes, on cereals or you can just drink it as it is.
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Mumedibble’s Tips

The small amount of solids left after straining the milk can be you as spread on toast. It’s delish. I also like to mix this light cashew paste with sweetener and a little cinnamon, I eat it like a pudding.

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